Monday, July 2, 2012
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Vacation comes to a close

Saturday, July 10, 2010
Man shirt
1 yr Anniversary
Thursday, July 8, 2010
To Tahoe and beyond...

Reno showed us a good time. They were having some sort of BBQ cook-off leaving the main street closed off to traffic- super for walking around town and drinking fresh lemonade. We ended up going to see the movie Grown-ups to get away from the blazing sun. It served it's purpose- a mixture of laughter and air conditioning.
Did you know the Truckee River goes directly through the heart of downtown Reno? It is swift and has several rapids- makes for amazing people watching. I stopped counting the flip flops and shorts that came floating by. You just can't look away from people being tossed off their tubes. We didn't have our camera or I would have more than a few pics to post.
After the movie we had a yummy dinner at Brew Brothers and tried our hand at the 1 cent slot machines. Travis won 8,240.......pennies. It took the machine over 30 minutes to count by ones and "ching" for each cent. I hate to be ungrateful, but that was a long wait. In hindsight it was not very kind of me to share my complaints with the lady (losing) next to me. I was missing Bachelorette. There, justified.
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Our Latest

This is for those of you who picture me sitting pretty on a Goldwing, coffee holder or arm rests for me. I am tough...and jealous.
We stayed the night in Susanville, which was uneventful. Except for our walk to Taco Bell just to find out the dining room was closed and it was drive thru only. That's ok, I like McDonald's just fine- take that!
The ride from Reno to Tahoe is most stunning.
The next day we arrived in Tahoe to this spectacular view- a beautiful private beach right outside our front door. Yes, please! We had plenty of time to relax and enjoy the beach. Unfortunately after day one of enjoying sun (a.k.a falling asleep in the lounger mouth gaping) I was left with a less than flattering sunburn. Looked like I was wearing white hot pants and a tube top, but in reality I was naked. No picture to follow, stop asking ;)

I could jump to the next leg of the trip now and start telling you witty anecdotes from the road, but no, then, my friend, you would be missing out on the big event. What event, you ask? The Captain Jon's event that is. I only managed one picture the whole evening of the beautiful setting of Captain Jon's restaurant- a restaurant that seats you on a dock floating in the water. The setting- perfect. The players (us)- stunning. The guy sitting behind us yelling at his son Alex through an alfredo sauce soaked beard- real jerk. Picture this HUGE guy who looks like he is in his 80's. Got it? With a big unkept beard- picture grungy Santa. He has a 4 year old with him. We assume...grandson..great-grandson...great-great-grandson...but no, this kid ( Alex- as I heard his name stated no less than 100 times in the 30 minutes we dined in close proximity) called him DADDY :( They were there celebrating Alex's 4th birthday. Except instead of celebrating it was like- the list of 100 things you do that annoy me: "Alex, I told you not to do that. Alex, don't go by the edge. Alex, stop looking at the ducks. (my favorite) Alex, you are ruining the meal." Not in a whine mind you, but said in a loud terrible roar. The "Alex situation," plus the mumbling waiter, the aggressive cold breeze in the air, and the chicken picatte (I will let Trav explore that one) made the dinner an entertaining mess. Where is Taco Bell when you need fine dining?
Luckily, our dining the night of the 4th more than made-up for Captain Jon's. We dined at a lovely place with yummy prime rib. I am just gonna let the fact that I ate my entire piece of cowgirl cut prime rib + potatoes+ fries+ 2 rum and cokes, and the lovely people next to us shared the same meal and had left0vers, just roll right off my back. I am also gonna let go of the anger they caused when mentioning it over, and over, and over, and over again. People this is not the circus!!! It's just that I was obviously lacking some sort of rich nutrient found in this cut of beef. So there!