He Said:
After spending a delightful evening in what must be one of the scariest parts of Little Rock, Arkansas, we headed out early. Nothing much to report on though, as today was just a travel day. Lots of breaks and lots of water. The goal was to make it to Amarillo, TX for the night. We rode through some cool country in Oklahoma and sweated our way through Eastern Texas. The only cool part of the day was stopping at a fantastic Cherokee Indian Trading Post. She will discuss this mini-adventure below.
We made it 30 miles outside of Amarillo, when the sky turned gray and threatening. We pulled over to put on our rain gear and then hit the highway again. Amazingly, it only rained for about ten minutes, but the lightning show went on all night. It was very cool.
Day 14 was yet another long travel day. The plan was to make it to the Grand Canyon, or somewhere close. It's funny how the mileage never seems to be the same on the atlas as it is in real life. The day seemed to go on forever and the heat was difficult to ride in.
Eventually we made it to Flagstaff and called it a day. Grand Canyon tomorrow!!!
She Said:
Lots of traveling these two days which Travis has pretty much covered, so I will just get to the important stuff...
At this point in the trip we knew there was a strong possibility we would get hitched in Vegas. We had made a promise that we would get married if we saw a wedding chapel anywhere during our trip. As soon as we made the decision to head south we started to hear wedding bells. We were both very excited to see how a Vegas impromptu wedding might unfold. We knew there were a few essential items needed to pull this off. One of which was a temporary ring for Travis. As luck would have it we ended up stopping at a terrific store that had just the right one. Travis picked it up off the shelf because it looked like a regular thick square brushed silver ring. He tried it on and we both thought it looked great. A closer inspection revealed the true bonus to this wondrous item- an engraved image of a spider web with a heart (see below). Hahahah! Now we had to buy it! It was the perfect ring and only 8.99. The image was engraved and outlined in black. Travis took care of the black outline using a metal brush at the local Walmart. Luckily, he has a real wedding ring waiting for him at home :) but this one comes with a better story. One step closer to the big event!

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